Most sported authentic Lambretta and Vespa gear reviving the 1960's era. One rider and his pillion took me right back in time with their outfit and burgundy penny loafers.
Before we even departed, all fourteen of us, the scooters attracted much attention from passersby. I was no different. I was so busy wandering around looking at the various models and taking photos, I hardly chatted with the group. I noted the preference for multiple rearview mirrors on the scooters. I have no idea why and didn't ask. On the contrary, one scooter had only one mirror, which I did ask about. "I only need one!" he said, smiling at me. I didn't challenge him.
This was my first group ride of any kind, and you know what? I liked it! I stayed in the top front five and enjoyed the noisy popping of the two-stroke engines in front and behind. We turned heads everywhere: pedestrians and car drivers alike. People simply stopped to take a look at the curious row of scooters riding by. They took photos, some pointed and chatted, and others waved. At one traffic light when we were all bunched up close, the crew each blew their scooter horns. I've no idea why but blew mine, too. I forgot to ask.
We drove straight through Berkhamsted into Ashridge Estate: 5,000 acres of ancient woodland and rolling downland.
Again, we were the head-turners riding into the car park, stopping traffic and passersby. After setting the bikes down, we headed for the cafe beside the Visitor Centre for a bite and hot drink. Really nice camaraderie.
We lingered for less than an hour and headed back on the road to the start point. On approach, we slowly split up, each heading their own way home.
Will I ride with On The Run Scooter Club again? You betcha!!