Sunday, 16 November 2014

We Did It!

We have set a new Guinness World Record for the longest non-stop relay on a 125cc bike. The previous record was circa 400 miles and we have recorded well over 1400 miles non-stop all around the UK mainland, taking a teddy bear as a baton & making changeovers at various war memorials as we rode along.

I met up with the crew for the last leg in Essex at the Grays war memorial, before heading over with them to the Cenotaph in London. What I did was ride over for 90 minutes the day before and spent the night in a nearby hotel. 

I kept up to date with the run via text messages and the Facebook group which was created for the riders. As I waited for the team to arrive near the war memorial, I was entertained by a couple of Indians in full regalia. Very colourful and rhythmic. 

It was a nice ride into the city. Most of it was at around 50 mph. When we finally arrived, we parked right up in front of the Cenotaph and joined in on the public commemorations of the War Heroes. 

So now, we are simply waiting on Guinness to confirm that the record has been set. We will also each be getting certificates for participating, whether the record is set or not.  Either way, it was really great fun and a privilege to have participated!


  1. It's always nice to see a scooter, especially one with a Learner's License, take part in something big like this. We scooterists might be sometimes put down by our "bigger ride bothers" but there is nothing you can't do on a scoot that can be done by a "real biker." Congrats and good work!!!

    1. Thanks, Robert. Will be taking the "big bike" test soon, weather permitting, so no more 'L' sticker on. But yes, the scoot will just go and go and go. The rider will wear out before it does!

  2. Congrats! You are quite the ambassador for the lil' scooter crowd.
